Mar 19th, 2011 Archives


I live in Florida and “spring” arrived about a month and a half ago, along with a plethora of fleas! I have a cat and a dog and we live on an acre that is for the most part natural and wooded. Both pets are indoor and outdoor. My home has become recently flea infested. I must say I was happy to note on your website that I should let the pets roam inside since I had been making them stay unhappily outside all the time due to the fleas! Anyway, I also have tropical fish and am afraid to bomb or spray as a result. Also, I just got new stain-master carpet about a year ago and I am hesitant to use chemicals on it. I worry about residue on my beautiful carpet – the slimy feel of it on barefeet, that it will attract dirt and may damage the stain-master “finish” or whatever they do to make the carpet remarkably resistant to staining. What do you suggest?

More on fleas in florida