flea traps

I need to get rid of fleas that have taken over our house. The problem started about a month ago and it’s gotten worse and worse. At this point they are pretty much in every room and even the cats don’t want to be on the floor. We’ve set off a bunch of bombs but they only seem to work for a day and the fleas are back. What do you suggest?

More on fleas get rid of

I’ve got flea bits all over my legs. They started biting two days ago and I’ve probably been bit 30-40 times. I’ve killed 10-20 fleas but I think I’m loosing the war. I want to get some of the inside Flea Granules but I’m afraid they won’t act fast enough to keep me from being eaten alive. What else can I do?

More on flea bits all over legs

I’ve got fleas out in my garage floor that have gotten out of hand. We generally keep the dog out in the garage a lot (we don’t use it for the car) but started noticing fleas so we moved him out. I thought the fleas would die but a couple of weeks later we went in there to get a box and there must have been 50-100 that attacked!! No one wants to go out there anymore but I’ve got to do something to get rid of them. What can I use on cement?

More on fleas on cement floor


I’ve heard that 20 muleteam borax can be used for flea control but I can’t find fleas on the product label. Is this something you sell or should borax be used for flea control at all?

More on does 20 muleteam borax work for flea control

I used to get a product called Flea Terminator. It was a once a year flea control product that worked great. I would sprinkle it out onto my carpet, broom it in and get flea control for a year or more. I can’t seem to find the product locally anymore and was wondering if you knew where I might be able to get some?

More on looking for flea terminator

I’ve had fleas all winter long and during this time my husband and I have been getting flea bites. I’m getting some of your once a year flea treatment but want to get something for the flea bites too. Which product do you recommend?

More on flea bites

I have read your flea control article and want to do a flea carpet treatment but I’m not sure if I should use your flea spray or the flea carpet granules. I have them bad. Every day we vacuum but they come right back within an hour. I’d say we’re picking 30-50 off our legs daily. Which products would you advise we get? The pets are being treated daily and I do plan on getting some of the products you recommend for them too but I understand this process will take awhile to resolve. I just want to use the best flea carpet treatment products and will await your answer before I order anything.

More on Flea carpet treatment