2009 Archives

I’ve got fleas out in my garage floor that have gotten out of hand. We generally keep the dog out in the garage a lot (we don’t use it for the car) but started noticing fleas so we moved him out. I thought the fleas would die but a couple of weeks later we went in there to get a box and there must have been 50-100 that attacked!! No one wants to go out there anymore but I’ve got to do something to get rid of them. What can I use on cement?

More on fleas on cement floor

I would like more details about the flea trap you have for sale.

1. What are the dimensions?

2. What are the exact instructions for use? (Do I need a lamp as seen in photo?)

More on flea trap questions

I heard I can control fleas with diatomaceous earth or what my friend is calling de dust. He says it’s very safe and can be used everywhere. I don’t see it on your site. Does it work?

More on de flea control

I was going to order and make a combination spray Permethrin and Precor for flea control. I was going to use this for inside the house but I wanted to know if this mixture will also be effective/safe for the yard. Thanks.

More on permethrin and precor good for outside

I’ve got flea bits all over my legs. They started biting two days ago and I’ve probably been bit 30-40 times. I’ve killed 10-20 fleas but I think I’m loosing the war. I want to get some of the inside Flea Granules but I’m afraid they won’t act fast enough to keep me from being eaten alive. What else can I do?

More on flea bits all over legs

I need to get rid of fleas that have taken over our house. The problem started about a month ago and it’s gotten worse and worse. At this point they are pretty much in every room and even the cats don’t want to be on the floor. We’ve set off a bunch of bombs but they only seem to work for a day and the fleas are back. What do you suggest?

More on fleas get rid of

I have used 20 mule team borax for flea control and was wondering why it didn’t work for me. My friends said it cured their problem but I haven’t been that lucky. Is there something you should do when using it?

More on 20 mule team borax for fleas

I have a wicked flea problem and would like to know if there are any home remedies that might get this problem under control. Last year I used some borax powder when I saw one and that seemed to cure it. this year I didn’t apply any till I was being bit and now the borax isn’t doing anything. Is there something else I can use that isn’t a spray?

More on flea control home remedies


I’ve been using flea bombs over and over and I don’t think they’re working. Did they change something in the formulation? This year the fleas are so bad I bomb and then like the next day I have fleas again. What’s going on? My cat is staying up on the countertop and I think that makes harder for me and my husband. Funny thing is this year even he is getting bit so it must be bad!!!! What can I do?

More on flea bombs

My dog has been suffering with a lot of flea bites from a recent problem we had in the house. I got your once a yr flea powder and some traps and that has worked wonders. Now I’m hoping you have something that can help my dog! Any suggestions for her irritated skin?

More on dog flea bites bad

I have a flea infestation and was wondering what kind of remedies you offer that would be safe to use. I don’t like spraying because it takes so long for my carpets to dry. but right now the fleas are so bad my cat doesn’t want to be on the floor and it seems like they’re worse than ever before. Is there something I can use that will be safe for my pet and still be effective?

More on flea infestation remedies

Do you carry any non-toxic spray for fleas and their eggs?

We have some really low impact type sprays and treatment options that you might can call a non-toxic spray for fleas. Mind you these won’t work as quickly because they won’t be acutely toxic. But they will be equally if not better in the long run. As explained in our FLEA CONTROL article, breaking the flea cycle is paramount to long term flea control.

More on non-toxic flea spray

Could you tell me where I can buy these flea traps? I live in southern California.

At this time we don’t know anyone that has our FLEA TRAPS in your region. But you can get them direct from us and we ship within one day. To Southern California, it usually only takes 3-4 days to arrive. Here is a link to it in our shopping cart where you can order on line which gets you a 5% discount as well:  FLEA TRAPS

More on flea traps

Fleas seem to be everywhere in my house right now and I need to do something right away. I don’t know if it’s due to the excessive rain we’ve had or the heat or maybe both. But right now I see them on the dog and in my carpet and furniture. I have looked at your site and I like the carpet granules but can I still spray on top of it to kill all the adults instead of using just the traps? Also, is it ok to spray the furniture or is there something else I should use on it?  I don’t want to ruin any of the fabric.

More on fleas

I’ve seen a few fleas on my cat and I know I have to treat the problem before it gets worse. I’m thinking the once a year flea granules would be a good choice since I hate to spray but I just want to make sure it’s safe for her. Also, do you recommend flea traps? We’re going to the vet today to make sure she’s properly treated too.

More on fleas on my cat