flea bombs

We just adopted 2 kittens 2.5 months ago and also have 2 parakeets. The kittens had a handful of fleas so we treated them with advantage II for two months now. I think the flea cycle is still happening. I haven’t used anything to treat the house. We have tile, laminate floors, with a throw rug here and there. I don’t like using pesticides, but we also can’t have fleas. :)

More on parakeet safe flea treatment

Hey guys,

We got fleas!!!! We have 2 dogs and 1 cat. We live in a two story home with carpet and linoleum.. I used frontline on all 3 animals, bombed the house, wash the dogs 2/3 times a week flea comb them daily…and we still have fleas. I also treated the yard 2x and washed their bedding and vacuumed a lot. I need you to hook me up with what I need to get rid of them…thanks.

More on flea problem two story home

To Whom It May Concern,

 My husband and I recently uthenized our dog and two weeks later we start getting bites and come to the realization that we have fleas.

I had no idea that our dog had fleas, I think that she did not have fleas as we just moved into a new house a year ago and I’m thinking the fleas were here previously none the less we now have fleas.

More on how long will flea problem last in home with no pet?

I have 4 dogs and i live in the woods on a big property. Our dogs always get fleas and we get rid of them but it doesn’t always work as planned. The house wont have fleas for about a month then they all come back because our dogs play outside most of the day. Now the fleas are worse this time of year and one of our dogs has them worse then the others. Shes constantly itching and scratching, I don’t think she does anything else, but that.  I’m really worried because she is tearing at her skin so bad her hair is falling out on her tummy, she just grew all her hair back from last time, she is a beautiful golden retriever about 8 years old in November, in good shape, but the fleas. As You can see we have spent a ton of money getting bombs and flea shampoo and flea stuff to go on after, but it doesn’t work that long and the fleas keep coming back, what should i do to get them gone for good?

More on how to get fleas gone for good

Me and my boyfriend have a flea problem which we think started in summer. We just assumed it was the usual summer insects since we’re both prone to being bitten perhaps because we are pale, and so we waited it out.
We are trying to treat the house, the problem is that we live in rented accommodation and our house is small.
We cannot deflea the garden because they are shared gardens, we have nowhere to move our furniture to, the carpets don’t belong to us so we have to be careful with them.
To complicate matters further there is a cat involved which also doesn’t belong to us!
He doesn’t appear to have problems with fleas but we don’t know if he’s being treated for fleas or not. We know he belongs to someone because he used to have a tatty collar which was then replaced with a new one and even though he now has no collar he still looks well fed (we don’t feed him)
So we either make sure he can’t come in anymore (which is difficult if we need to air the house because he comes through our downstairs window), or we treat the house with flea treatments which don’t risk harm to the cat (I’ve heard flea bombs are risky) and try to find some way of defleaing him which won’t harm him if he’s already being given maximum flea protection (I’ve heard too much flea treatment on a cat is harmful)

More on cat friendly flea treatment


I’ve been using flea bombs over and over and I don’t think they’re working. Did they change something in the formulation? This year the fleas are so bad I bomb and then like the next day I have fleas again. What’s going on? My cat is staying up on the countertop and I think that makes harder for me and my husband. Funny thing is this year even he is getting bit so it must be bad!!!! What can I do?

More on flea bombs