will removing carpets control fleas?

I just moved into a place that had 6 big dogs. Should I remove the carpets? My little dog is showing signs of getting bit by fleas.

I’m not sure what removing the carpets will do but if you’re interested in getting rid of the fleas, you’ll need to treat using one of the methods explained in our FLEA CONTROL ARTICLE. As you’ll learn, it only takes one flea to lay hundreds of eggs and your new rugs will be infested just like the existing ones if you don’t treat. That means your options are either leave the existing rugs and treat them or replace the existing rugs and treat the new ones before they get infested.
Based on these two scenarios, I suggest you install several FLEA TRAPS along with our ONCE A YEAR TREATMENT. In my experience, this has proven to be the most effective and easiest approach to most any flea problem that includes a house with rugs.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above: