host animal

Hello, I found flea eggs (i think) and 2 live fleas in my bed.  (i do not own a pet). I managed to freak out and clean every inch of my place, call an exterminator, etc.  However, when I was cleaning, I only saw about 3 more very small fleas.  I found an adult dead one upstairs on a couch.  I dont see them and cannot tell the difference between dead fleas, eggs, and just specks of dirt? (I see a lot of specks of dirt looking things) How can I tell the difference? Will I know when it is a flea/larvae/pupae/egg? No one else in my family believes me because they dont see them but are they just hiding??

More on can you get fleas without owning pets?

I’ve treated the yard for fleas, but my dog keeps getting reinfested.  Could rats in my garage or backyard reinfest the yard with fleas?

If you take some time to read through our extensive FLEA CONTROL ARTICLE, you’ll learn the most favorite place for fleas to stay is on the “host” animal they target. Amongst the favorite host’s for fleas will be dogs, cats, squirrels, rats and mice. In fact, pretty much any animal in the yard could have fleas during the summer or warm months. But as our online article explains, fleas don’t want to leave their host animal as this is where they get both food and shelter. In fact most fleas will live their entire life on whatever animal they first find. Additionally, this life is quite short and in most cases will be less than a week. All the while they’ll be laying eggs on the pet which will live out their life cycle right there under all the fur and pet hair.

More on can rats infest yard with fleas?